Saturday, 8 May 2010

mock up of the summer project webpages

This is the design of the web-page we discussed yesterday, we also have a tag line "after washing please remove all clothing" but I have not added that onto these pictures.

While I was editing the page above I decided to do another one just to have a choice of the direction we want to go in.

this is the second design


  1. Oh wow - this is incredible! no way was I expecting this much progress!
    Of the two designs I like the first, maybe as its more manicured, it seems, though I do like the row of orange washers in the second one - providing we find the same configuration of laundrette!
    On another note, are there any fancy flash transitions between pages, or any you just going to keep that as a general frame to the website and change the content of the square?
    Incredible work - very efficient team work!
    I find it's great!
    B. xx

  2. Yep the first one looks great, I agree :)
    the second one is good enough for a back-up!
